
It's been a mild and sunny day, so I got the garden straight. The veg bed is weeded & raked, all the wormery compost has been spread over the soil (the worms have gone into the compost and will be fine until we come back in April - according to Hubs, the master composter), have spread out the mypex on top and should come back to a healthy fertile garden. Dug out a mountain of the ever spreading Montbressia and separated a few ice plants and oestospermum. They must be very hardy and easy to maintain as I've had all of them in every garden I've gardened! I swept, tidied, cut back the herbs and cleared out the closh. Now have backache and a very organized garden. Another big tick off the 'to do' list.
The birds were out in force and this Great Tit was watching closely, until the camera came out and then he went all snooty and looked away - and after all that seed and kibbled sunflowers hearts too!

Have ordered a 'magic skirt' from ebay - made from gorgeous coloured vintage sari's, for the NZ trip. Apparently I won't need to pack too much else....oh just watch me! If the blurb and reviews are to be believed it's the answer to every woman's wardrobe dilemmas, if not then it's back on ebay with a really good review, as it's just not suitable in this damp Irish climate!

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