Meet Grumpy

I had a bit of a restless night worried about timings for today. Mr W hadn't read his work confirmation properly and only last night, with little or no time to arrange Puppy sitters, he announced he was leaving much earlier fir work than originally planned which meant Fluffy Legs was going to be left for 5 hours. I really wasn't happy with that especially as it was chucking it down with rain before I had to leave for work. There was no way I was leaving a soggy dog all day as she gets really cold when she's wet.

Anyway, luckily my neighbour who'd a dog Walker came to the rescue and kindly offered to take Bella to her house for a couple of hours. That totally settled my mind. All I had to do was leave a key in her letter box and she did the rest. Bella was clean and safe when I went to get her after work but.... she was in the foulest of moods!!

She kept grumbling like she was crying, was constantly collecting stones from the garden and looking at Mr W. It was sad to see and all Mr W kept saying was "she's got a screw loose". All she wanted was a cuddle from him but he kept saying he was busy and "in a minute". Poor puppy. I hate seeing her sad.

In other news, I went to the Union about my recent work issues and my union rep who's taken out a collective grievance against our managers asked to use my complaint in his letter to the directors.... and he did.... spelling mistakes and all!!!! My colleagues knew immediately who the letter was from!! But hopefully it will get somewhere in paying me loss of earnings or at least change the policy a bit.

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