Rising sun ....
.... now high in the sky!!
The ride to the pool was less hectic today , I left earlier and missed the traffic, then again it may be because it's half term! It was a lovely view from the car park then again when I left . Water was a nice temperature today and did my 50 minutes , all good.
At home put washing in machine had a cuppa spoke to my daughter ( up north ). Who was in a bit of a query as on Sunday her dog decided to bring them a present indoors of a hedgehog ( must say he had been gentle and no injury caused ??) so they took it to the hedgehog rescue ,about 30 minutes from their home, all was well but the little guy was under weight. Last night dear Buddy ( the dog ) collected another one . What to do when you have sick child in bed 2 dogs and a hog ? She was going again to the rescue " hotel" . Poor girl I felt sorry for her and I could imagine her plight.
The washing is outside and almost dry I've put the rest of my bulbs in pots and swept the path so all in all a busy day ( even if I don't do " steps " don't think I do too badly. So I refuse to feel BAD about it.
Do hope you've all managed to enjoy this lovely autumn day , it's been glorious today.
Appreciate .... what I've achieved today
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