
By ScottysPixie

A transom in time

Perhaps if my Great Grandfather , (pictured in the background) were here today, he would be ecstatic over the development in time. He was a Newspaper editor in late 1800"s until the 1930"s. Kokomo, Indiana then was a smallish town, very conservative and the epitome of rural Americana.

A year or so ago in some of my Dad's things was a VHS film that was unmarked. Somewhere along the line he had converted film footage into this century.Watching it in the first few minutes was a grand discovery. My Great Grandfather hired a movie photographer in 1921 to film his Grand Children at play. One of which was my Father at age 5.

It was slightly bittersweet, I never knew about the film and therefore couldn't ask my Dad details that might accompany the day it was filmed. However what a treasure it was to unearth this and pass it on to my children. It marks five generations to date and with today's technology it may well pass on to many more.

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