
By Beewriter


They are not bulls, a colleague informed me today, they are actually bullocks.

It was a brighter day today so at lunchtime I signed out and went for a little jaunt across the road in search of the elusive bulls...sorry, bullocks. I walked along the road and up towards the Nursing Home, but no sign of them. I went the other way onto the track towards the canal but still no sign. The field is huge but I could not see a single bullock so I think they have gone. I took a few photos of the field but they were not very exciting so I chose this one of the old gate by The Lodge.

I'm compiling articles for the magazine and decided to go and get some pieces from kindergarten. I went to sit on a teeny tiny chair, missed and landed with thump on the floor. A little group of children gathered round like a bunch of curious meerkats so I stayed down there and did my interviews from there. One three year old told me about his Christmas play:

I was a sheep. I wore a costume, it was white and woolly. It was very good and King Herod was in it. Next time I'd like to be King Herod because I really liked that costume.

King Herod was a real trend setter.

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