
I went into Lancaster this afternoon. I'd planned to go in, anyway, to buy an anniversary present for the Minx but, happily, it turned out that Charlie was also coming up to visit a friend.

I got there about half-two and had a mooch around. I went to Waterstones, where they didn't have the book I wanted to buy for her but - the joy of browsing! - I found something else the Minx would like even more. 

Then I wandered around the little warren of streets near the indoor market and saw a scarf in a shop window that I thought the Minx might rather like. Going inside, it turned out to be a disappointment but, as I turned away, I saw a beautiful jacket. Perfect.

I still had some time to kill before I met up with Charlie and Rachel, so I wandered around the streets, where I saw this sign for Ffrances Street. I bet there's an interesting story about that, I thought, but a Google* when I got home didn't throw up anything interesting at all.

After that, I met up with the girls in Dalton Square, gave up on The Borough (too crowded), and made our way down to The Sun on Church Street, which is a cracking little pub, where we had a couple of drinks before I left them to all the things they really wanted to talk about :-)

*DuckDuckGo, in fact.

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Reading: 'In Aleppo Once' by Taqui Altounyan

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