
By LifeLines

Dull Day

It wasn't the day for sitting outside for a chat.  It was dark and wet for the most part - more like December albeit for the mild temperature.  A good day at work, I went out in the rain for a walk at lunchtime and was glad I ventured out as the air and exercise make me better able to concentrate through the afternoon. 

Thank you for all your kind and helpful comments on Merlin and his training classes.  I have been doing some investigating and found lots of alternative options ranging from training which looks much more active and fun, to agility, scenting and gun dog training - some classes touch on several of these skills.  I need to do some more research before I decide what to go for and meantime we will continue with our training classes as I don't want to drop out part way through the term - the people running it have been so good to us (we've been going for the last year and a half!).

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