
By bananablip

Pastry joy

We've got a youth event on Sunday evening so I went to the Food Hub this morning to pick up some donuts and pastries to feed the teenagers. I'm still amazed at the amount of food that is wasted by supermarkets locally (I can't even begin to imagine what is being wasted nationally). There's a whole other tray of donuts and muffins not in shot.

I'm pleased to say that this food will not be wasted and our teenagers, I imagine, won't leave much left-over. And if they do, it's croissant bread and butter puddings at Number 19 for the foreseeable.

Mum and I have spent quite a lot of time in our recent French classes learning to ask for food and drinks in restaurants. This is definitely the most useful French to know and I'm thoroughly looking forward to putting it into practice next year.

Un cafe et un croissant s'il vous plait.

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