Measuring Up
The back of my garden backs on to Network Rail land. A few of us along our side of the road are having a small dispute with Network Rail over the actual boundary of our gardens. The solicitor is going to earn a great deal out of all of us!
The shape of the back of MY garden is even more unusual compared to the others, so I’ve had to do a couple of extra steps which has included having a surveyor from Ordnance Survey come out to do official measuring which then gets sent to Land Registry. He said that this type of job would normally take about 10 minutes but he was having problems with his equipment and all the trees were also making it very difficult to rely on the GPS. So he got the ‘old fashioned’ equipment out. He was with me for about 90 minutes. He said that the Ordnance Survey maps are very out of date and also that it’s good to get this settled for when any of us would like to sell our houses.
I’ve had a very busy day - this was only one of 3 appointments and I also was finishing off some shopping and packing - I’m leaving home for a week tomorrow. A new adventure awaits and I’m very excited!
I’ve just done 5 days worth of blips in a row. Please feel free to scroll back do any you may have missed.
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