
By Houseonahill6

End of the day

So hard to choose which photo to blip for today but decided on this scene at Scapa bay as the sun went down.
I was up and out of the mill just before 6. It was a misty start and still quite dark bit it was not long before the sky started to change colour so I continued my walk hoping to catch the sunrise at the Gloup.
It was so quiet just the sound of the birds. Geese were still settled in the fields , their silhouettes showing against the colourful sky. Hare’s ran about silently chasing the curlew .
I made it to the Gloup, a collapsed sea cave. The pathway was lined with jewel encrusted webs. Cows came over to investigate wondering why someone was about so early in the morning. A lovely sunrise and then a walk back meeting one man and his dog.I explored the fence of area , a little wooded area, a few blackbirds feeding on the rosehips and the buzzard sitting on the fence.
We had enough time to go for a walk on the beach, writing our names in the sand before meeting ‘Poppy’ and Little Lottie. Very tasty coffee and cake consumed at CafeLolz.Great to see ‘Poppy’ again and Lottie was so well behaved someone thought she was a toy.
We said our goodbyes and headed for our next blipmeet in Stromness with EllyJay. We met outside Julia’s and sat in the wonderful , warm sunshine and had soup and bread.Lovely to meet another Blipper :)
We wandered the streets of Stromness afterwards , visiting the Piers Art Centre and taking photos of the intriguing shops .
We were hoping to meet up with Porridgewog and HappyValley but the timings did not work out .
Our next stop was Yesnaby where we walked up to the seastack. Still very warm with great views over the sea and cliffs.A dead sea creature, possibly a kind of shark had been washed up after the recent storms.
With the day still be so nice we went to the Ring of Brodgar. You can no longer walk among the stones so glad that we touched each one the last time we were here. Lots of rabbits around which I would think would cause just as much damage as humans.A film crew with a drone were making their way up to the stones as we left.
The stones at Stenness looked great against the blue sky.
We finished with a walk around Happy Valley.A new wooden board walk has been made to make a circular walk.
The mist had returned on our journey back and hung over Wideford hill, looking very strange.
A quick look at Scapa Bay where the blip was taken just before the sunset :)

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