Great Grandma

I had my first fail this morning when I took Scarlett to her dance class, but took her to gymnastics instead!  I was really pleased with myself for getting her there on time, until she said 'this is gymnastics'.  I didn't have a clue where her dance class was and couldn't get hold of Rachel or Scott, but in the end pulled up and good old Google told me where to go!  She was about 5 minutes late but they let her in and I blamed Nanny :-)

After her class, I took S and V  for lunch with Great Grandma and at one point I didn't think we were going to get there as the new link road was flooded!  It was really deep water and as it was a dual carriageway, there was no turning back.  I watched as other cars made it through and drove slowly through it, hoping that we didn't get waterlogged - the girls loved it and we said that my car was a boat!  Anyway, we made it safely out the other side, having passed cars that had broken down and been abandoned.

We picked mum up and then drove to The Farmer's Arms where we had a really lovely lunch.  It was short and sweet due to Scarlett's dance class and also she had a party to go to at 4pm, so we had to leave by about 2pm to give us the time to get back and to get her ready - by this point the link road had been closed due to flooding, so we had to go the long way round.

Rach and Scott had gone out for something to eat and then went to the cinema to watch The Joker, but their next door neighbour had offered to take Scarlett to the party with her little friend Niamh so Violet and I had some chill out time and watched the film Tinkerbell.  It was really sweet as it's Niamh's birthday party tomorrow afternoon, and she said to me that maybe I'd like to go home in the afternoon rather than the morning so that I could go to her party and take photos of them.  How sweet was that?!   

So, tonight the clocks go back and we're officially thrown back into winter (although they say it's autumn), but I guess the extra hour will help me in my journey home tomorrow.  That said, I'd better go to sleep as I have a long drive in the morning.  Night night x

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