Tomorrow's station!

So, it was getting to bed at 4:45 this morning and I was awake again at 7:00 and up at 7:30.
Thankfully we had a training day today so I called in to say I'd be late then headed into town to get a SIM card for Cathie's old phone to give to mom so she would have a way of contacting people. Picked up a coffee and muffin from Bean Loved then went to meet mom. She drive us out to the hospital and back, relaxed and fairly confident.
I then carried on to work. When my first meeting was over at 12:30, I sat on my own in my classroom and felt for the first time that I'd only had 2 hours sleep!
I didn't really accomplish much at all after that other than my second meeting which went well. They have started drilling for the extension. It went right through me!
3:40 and I left the building!
Quick pack then off for the train. All trains in and out of Leeds were delayed due to two broken down trains so we missed our connection but enjoyed a coffee and delicious cookie in Pret while waiting for the next.
We did well getting on to the next and found seats no problem. It transpired that that was the case because most people had entered the train near the front, probably figuring they'd make their way toward the back. However, the train was made up of two trains and with no way through.
On arrival into London I was struck by the number of advertisements promoting sleeping aids of one kind or another. Most often these were advertised next to an add for a thriller of some even called Dr Sleep! Hmmm! It's no wonder people can't sleep. They're never allowed to stop.
Finally got to our hotel for the night ... and ... zzzzzzzzzz!

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