Dancing in the Dark

What is this?  You might ask....

Dogwithnobrain in a nightclub?  No no no...

Nightclubs are not the haunt of the Dogwithnobrain..... this is the haunt of the Dogwithnobrain’s mam!!!


To celebrate her birthday, after a two week trip to Vancouver, Alaska (cruise), and Toronto ... she and her partner took off for the weekend to Poland!

This is her - up dancing to a live band at 2355 on the eve of her EIGHTIETH, yes EIGHT ZERO!!!  Birthday

I’m not going to be like her at that age - am barely like her at this age....  I was tucked up in bed with coco when she was doing this ...... and when I was 22 she was showing me and my mate up in the student union!

Happy eightieth Mam -  

The biggest miracle is that she had me when she was so very old

(because for sure I’m no where near as old as having a mum of 80 makes me)

Proper Picture of the Birthday Gal in Extras

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