In the Pod

I had a sense that I wasn't going to have a chance to take a vaguely interesting photo, today. In fact, I seemed to spend a lot of the day in 'the Pod', our office within the office, on the phone. So I grabbed a photo while I was in there, in between calls, just in case.

That said, I met up with my friend, Chris, for a drink after work, which was very enjoyable. I'm not sure there is anything quite so entertaining as having a witty friend recount some awful incident that has recently befallen them. And then the Minx joined us, which was perfect; I love how she gets on with my friends.

This evening, I finished reading Taqui Altounyan's 'In Aleppo Once'. It's only towards the end that there is much that ties in with the 'Swallows and Amazons' books but there was one alarming paragraph. Having read each of the books, especially the early ones, several times, I felt and, I guess, feel an affection and affinity to the characters. Thus, it made me sit up, shocked, to read how Susan - the sensible, maternal one in the books - spent years in a German internment camp during the war. It brought a totally different and painful perspective.

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Reading: 'In Aleppo Once' by Taqui Altounyan

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