
Late breakfast at a little cafe just down the road from us. It was very wet and cold this morning. Extra layers were needed!
We then headed off on the underground (again). The undergrounds here are much wider, lighter and airier. On the whole far more pleasant than London's.
I also love when buskers entertain you on various corners. We've had quite a number already but this morning a guy decided that he'd provide a light musical interlude on the train. He was very good and everyone was quite happy.
We had a long wander round a big posh department store then had lunch under the most lovely roof! It was a long relaxed lunch. :)
The rain had stopped and we went to the Musee d'Orsay. Loved the building and those big clocks. We walked through to find Van Gogh. It was SO busy. People crowded round any paintings that were famous so that it was a battle to see them. I ended up feeling really sad that here were these great works of art and nobody could take time to stand back and appreciate them.
After following the "conveyor belt" through the gallery we'd all had enough and just wanted to get out of that claustrophobic cattle mart!
We headed back to our hotel for a rest before heading back out at night.
Dinner at our friendly little cafe down the road. Mmmm! Then we headed out to walk down the Champs-Elysees. It was lovely! :)
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