Views of my world

By rosamund


The best thing about today was when our new green flag arrived. It's our second one and reaffirms our status as an Eco School.

If you were following last spring you might remember all the digging and planting and shifting of materials to make our garden a more natural space for children to use all their senses to explore and play. I'm glad all the hard work paid off and coupled with the children's Grow It, Cook it, Eat It work with dedicated and enthusiastic staff meant that 'school grounds' and 'Food and the environment' ecoschools topics got a big tick.

I'm really tired today and with the constant thick fog that persisted all day long this was the best photo I could do on an Eco theme, it's the detail on a wee jewellery box beside my bed. It's early night tonight, no comments, no cycling - week's total 24k so far.

Night night.

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