Wish Us Luck

We both went to Doncaster Today as it was a babysitting day and Mrs madwill wasn’t working.

It took us a long time to get there as there had been an accident on the A1. Although it was on the other carriageway people on our side was slowing down to have a look and we only made it just before son in law had to leave for work.

When our daughter arrived home we went for coffee / shopping and sometime during this outing we (as in Mrs madwill) agreed to have the grandchildren for a sleepover tonight. 

So we now have a lively pair of children (ages 1 and 5) running riot... however Mrs madwill has escaped to go shopping for tea. It is the first sleepover for the youngest.

In all the confusion I managed a quick phone snap of the dressing up rack in their playroom at home. Quite colourful...

Wish us luck...if my blip journal ceases then you know the reason why..

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