Making Witches

A fairly calm day, mostly sunny and cold.  Frost this morning, and would think again tomorrow.   The odd shower in the afternoon, thankfully not heavy.

I've been working on the museum desk all day.  It's been a fairly quiet day, I was thinking it might have been busy, being the last day of school.  I've had a busy evening preparing for Halloween.  Walkies with Sammy and then off to work in the pub later. 

Things are starting to look a lot like Halloween!  Just a couple of evenings to get things ready for the bairns coming to the door.  I made the cauldron the other night, and added lights for effect.  The witches are made from chicken wire, and patiently waiting on the masks to arrive.  I couldn't find any witch masks in Lerwick, typical!  I have various other scary props to go up tomorrow.  Taken at gHoul Road, Scalloween.  

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