These are the days...

By ashcroftkiddos

My Dad...

Dad and Cindy dropped in for a visit tonight on their way home from a ski trip in McCall, ID. The kids were thrilled to see them and we are glad they have made it home safely! Tyler talked Grandpa into playing some basketball and Mia talked Grammy into chasing her around with a ball. Then, the evening turned into dress up mania with Tyler running around in a cheerleading dress and pom poms. Josh really really loves it when this happens. We just happen to have more girly dress up clothes than macho clothes and plus, he likes to be like Mia. So, alas, he wears all sorts of foo foo dresses and he loves it!

After church, we spent some good ol family time at Kelly and Chris's and just relaxed. Then, we visited a new grocery store that just opened with great prices. We used to shop at it when we lived in Oregon but they didn't have one here until recently. It was a blast!

I've really been enjoying my birthday gift card that has allowed me to by numerous foo foo drinks at one of my favorite coffee spots! Got to enjoy one on the way home from town today. YEAH!

We are gearing up for another fun week with Kiah, another one of Josh's basketball games, a trip to the dentist to fill some cavities and a whole bunch of games, I am sure!

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