These are the days...

By ashcroftkiddos


We had a very nice day at home, watching it snow, snow and snow! Tyler continued his lego obsession, but I tried really hard to get him to work on them by himself. He seems to think he can't make anything really cool without help and I want him to know that there are plenty of things he can do well on his own. So, he managed to build some things he was proud of all by himself. He also showed off his independence by marching upstairs after being on the computer playing Super Why with a coloring print out from the SuperWhy webpage. he managed to find the coloring pages, clicked print and okay and had his own coloring page ready to go! He was so excited. He was more than willing to head back downstairs to print off a couple for Mia and a couple more for himself! In this picture, he is proudly coloring a picture he printed off the computer all by himself!

Tyler beat me in a basketball scrimmage today too. He is a total numbers kid and I realized today that he is capable of knowing how many points a free throw, 2 pointer and 3 pointer are and adding them up correctly. Or, if I have ten and he has 13, he informs me I need a 3 pointer to tie the game! He's a total hoot!

We've been enjoying "gum" for all of our treats ever since the dentist discovery last week. So far, he seems to enjoy it. We'll see how long it lasts!

We headed out to my dad's this evening for a marvelous fish taco dinner, complete with Dad's home made tomatillo salsa. Mia was a total riot at dinner, singing numerous songs and being total talkative talkertons! At one point in time, she was singing frosty the snowman. She kept singing the first stanza over and over again. after about the 4th time through, she stopped abruptly and said, "I already sang button nose!?" totally confused. It was a riot! She realized there was more to the song!

I brought some leftovers home to surprise Josh with a tomatillo salsa and pepperjack cheese omelette in the morning!

Josh just got home and they lost their game, but the played much much better and they actually outscored the other team in the second half. A drastic improvement from game number 1!

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