Sally Mair - Loving life

By Sallymair

Early dusk

It's amazing how quickly evening falls now the clocks have changed. Today's weather probably didn't help things. It rained off and on all day but dependent on the direction you were facing the sky varied from pale blue to darkest grey. Very confusing.
This morning we went and picked up the new vanity unit for the rectory and took it round, the taps hadn't arrived when we were there, but then I got a call an hour or two later to say they were ready for collection.
We went down to Sainsbury to pick up some shopping and then I walked to Roseburn to meet up with an old friend, lovely to catch up after far too many years! I'll be back!
Walked back home again missing the rain fortunately then after an early tea we were both out at a vestry meeting. We're all ready for our new Rector to arrive I think, and to pick up some of the tasks from us. Having said that I had a phone call today from the daughter of a lady I take communion to, thanking me and saying how much it was appreciated. Which was in itself very nice.
Steps today 13,010

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