Sally Mair - Loving life

By Sallymair

Give me your answer do...

Thursday today, I mention this just so I can prove that I know what is going on!
The big reveal as I took the steri strips off my face and saw how the surgery had gone for the first time. The scar looks pretty good, it's about an inch long, there is a slight lump at one end which hopefully will go down, but all in all, pretty good. I've got to continue various massages and cream and tape applications for the next month to try to reduce the scarring. In the grand scale of things all very minor but a big deal for me.
Another wet day today, I spotted these little daisies during a brief sortie to the shops. I was rather surprised to see them, but they were a bright spot amongst the fallen leaves.
What I really fancy is a great big sugary doughnut, just thought I'd mention that!
I've been feeling cold of late, but hopefully when the weather is less damp it won't be so bad.
My only real interaction today other than my shop visit is evening prayer at 5pm and then our bridge session this evening. Both by Zoom of course.

Keep safe and well everybody, no real surprises in the allocating of the various Scottish covid levels today. I'd like to think that Edinburgh is heading in the right direction though.

Steps today 3000 at lunch time.

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