Always inconstant...

By bikeyPete

Bleak melancholy

Monsters lurked in dark dank corners, grumbling Gremlins made throaty noises of bitterness and wilful sprites pulled at you to and fro.....such a morning of misery it seems!

With little to no comfort on the bike, cold damp winds, spiteful dreary air all around. My long fingers trapped like icicles in my gloves, a stubborn droplet of mist hanging from my nose, grim determination painted across my face....sometimes I wish I didn't have this bike ride......sometimes..

The morning has done its best to sap my inner joy.

A coffee and a muffin and all will be well.

It is my lovely Lady's birthday today....for her my heart beats, the stars shine and my eyes sparkle. I can't wait to get home again and take her out....she always makes me smile, makes me proud, makes me feel worthy and most of all.....loved.

Here's to a weekend of family, friends and fun!

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