An Unkindness of Ravens

By Nevermore

Too close for comfort...

...not the spider, the bushfire 4.5 kms from home.

It's "contained" now, but was classed as "out of control" a couple of hours ago. The fire is at Kangaroo Ground and I could see the helicopters flying to and fro just over the ridge from us. They brought in "Elvis" the huge firebombing helicopter, which brings back unpleasant memories of Black Saturday, nearly four years ago, when it would fly over our house every day, making the whole thing shake. (It's very big!)

We didn't leave, as the wind was blowing the fire in the opposite direction from us, but that means it was blowing straight towards my parents' house... Hopefully it stays contained and as the forecast is for cooler weather over the next two or three days, that should help. Summer in South Eastern Australia is not my favourite time of year!

This is the huntsman spider that lives on the branch of the Oak tree where my hose for watering the pot plants lives, and I disturb it every time I get the hose. It doesn't seem to mind, as it always goes back to the same spot.

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