An Unkindness of Ravens

By Nevermore

A shiny little fly

That's all.

Spent too much time wandering around the garden looking for interesting things and finding none.

Except that I found out an interesting fact - the blue banded bee that I have seen in the garden lives under a rock in my herb and flower bed, right next to the house! I saw it go in and I saw it go out. I sat, in a most uncomfortable squatting position, in the garden bed, waiting for it to come back, camera trained on the rock, until my foot went to sleep and I had to get up or lose blood supply to my foot. Apparently... "The females build nests in shallow burrows in the ground but they may also nest in mudbrick houses or in soft mortar. Each female builds her own nest burrow but many bees often nest together in the one place." There is a small pile of earth beside the rock, which she must have excavated beneath. So fancy that! No wonder it buzzed so threateningly at me when I saw it the first time - I was standing right next to its nest! Of course I'd love to lift the rock and have a look, but I won't, as that would probably destroy it. Maybe I need to put a video camera on a tripod out there... maybe I'm getting carried away and should spend my time doing more useful things... things that actually matter...

Anyway, small things and all that.

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