Happy 40th Johnnie!
It's our son-in-law's 40th Birthday - well it's actually on 2nd Nov but John is a Kiwi and New Zealand is 13 hours ahead of the UK so he is actually 40 years old today.
Johnnie is a great guy and a very skilled carpenter; he works building sets on the time travel film series 'Outlander' which is set in Scotland.
We came up to Airdrie to have dinner together (Indian Take-away) before Sabrina and Johnnie fly off to New York tomorrow morning and we'll be here for the week to look after Amelia and Lucy, their little dog Millie and the 2 cats - old Benji and kitten Susie. Our Bella likes cats so no worries there.
The take-away was a good idea as there was still loads that Sabrina had to do before they go and she still hadn't packed their case.
The card Johnnie is holding is from his mum and dad and inside was a voucher for kite surfing lessons in Troon, Ayrshire. By the way he would want me to say that he no longer has that facial hair! :-D
We gave him spending money in dollars.
We're certainly going to be kept on our toes for the next week!
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