Land of the Rising Sun

Today's the day ………………….. to bow out

Well that's it then - the end of the 2019 Rugby World Cup - and I'm not quite sure what we're going to do with ourselves now?!

Over the past six weeks or so, we've actually enjoyed getting up earlier than we might have normally, to settle down to watching whatever match was on.  It's been great to share it all with friends and family.  We've been a communications hub - receiving messages from different parts of the UK, South Africa, New Zealand, France and a South African in the USA.  Occasionally, we've had to go into radio silence if we've been watching a game late, so we don't hear the result too soon. 

The games have been for the most part entertaining - sometimes thrilling.  Sometimes the result has been predictable but more often, it has been a surprise.  It has all been a joy.  But the real winner has been Japan and the Japanese people.  They have welcomed and embraced the world of rugby with such an infectious enthusiasm that has made it a World Cup that will stand out from the rest.

Here's to the next one in France 2023 …………………..

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