At last!

What a night and day it’s been. I drove up to Manchester last night, Hayley was worried that she was calling me on false pretences, not so. When I arrived at 10.30 pm she was having contractions. They continued through the night. The maternity unit said to come in when they got unbareable, which I thought rather strange, what’s unbareable to one person is different from another’s. None of us got any sleep, apart from Emmeline!  Early this afternoon she gave birth to this beautiful chunky 9lbs! Baby boy. No name yet. So lovely when I left the maternity unit for the midwife to congratulate me on my lovely family. I’m very proud of both my girls and my granddaughter has been a delight to look after today!

No sleep and a couple of glasses of wine makes me think I shall have to edit this tomorrow! But for now, I need to get my blip in. Hayley on her way home as she doesn’t want to miss ‘Strictly come dancing’!

Emmeline - "Has Mummy pushed the baby out yet?"
Me - "No, not yet".
Emmeline - "Why?"
Me - "These things take time".
Emmeline - Pause. "Oh. Can I watch Bing please?"

She is 3years and 5 days old!
Good job the questions finished there. You can tell Mummy teaches Sex Ed. 

Had to add an extra picture. Title has to be ‘We know how to live!’ Last nights celebratory meal. We certainly don’t keep Mc Donald’s in business, but when you’re hungry, tired and just want to fill a gap it’s perfect. And the Veuve (our fav) went surprisingly well!

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