Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

Domestic chores

Friday is my domesticated morning. Unless it's nice weather, of course, then it's not. Which goes without saying.

So by 11am today I had swum for half an hour, done two lots of washing, ironing, answered several house swap email enquiries (none tempting) booked the Lyceum, dusted where necessary (none this week) and flooded the kitchen floor...

I must have been running the tap to fill the sink and wandered off and got engrossed in the ironing. It can happen. Came back ages later just as the water was about to flow into the carpeted dining room. No harm done - kitchen floor needed a wash - but goodness, what might have been (living in a flat), had I wandered off to the afternoon movies... Eeeeek!

Several cold calls as per usual this morning. As soon as you answer and can hear the call centre noise in the background, or they say, 'Is Mrs So and So available?', or, 'Is the owner of the house available?' I now say cheerfully, 'No, I'll just go and get her for you,' and wander off and leave them there.

About midday, after I had washed the kitchen floor, I went into town for a blip. A dreich, grey skied day. What do you do on such days?

Hide the sky. Tick.

Add a splash of red. Tick.

Back to the Filmhouse to get tickets for the Friday afternoon cheapo show. (It's amazing that they still do this). Les Misreables. It was mobbed. I had to share a table in the cafe to have my cuppa. I love pretending to read the Metro, but actually listening in to the chit chat.

I must be the only person in the land not to know that Les Mis is a musical. Well, I knew it was a musical, but it's actually like an opera, in that all the lines are sung. Not my favourite genre. However, I did not yawn as loudly as the man in front, who fell asleep I am sure.

No - it was wonderful (all two and a half hours of it). The leads are amazing. I'm a big fan of Hugh! And Rus! I'm not at all keen on Anne Hathaway, so I was quietly pleased when she died after half an hour (and I'm not giving away any of the plot).

I started my diet this morning. NO big bag of Maltesers at the pictures.  :-)

I then had fish and chips for tea. :-(

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