Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

Feeding Frenzy

Slept for almost 12 hours. Is this normal? Had to get up for bagels and avocado. We loaded up the car with a pile of junk knick knacks for the charity shop - feels good to get rid of stuff. Then we headed south to visit Ikea for some bedding stuff and sundry items. Got more than we bargained for, as per usual. But a successful foray.

In the afternoon JR popped in to JL, as the Ikea bedding was not our liking. I popped to Homebase and got a few things - a nice stiff brush to keep my path clean, gardening gloves and a tricky little thing that stops the draughts under doors. Our doors are really wonky - someone has sawn them off at some point and not even used a level. The people who sold us the flat said that there was thick shagpile carpet and thick underlay, so the doors had been cut to fit. But now, with wooden floorboards exposed, they look definitely too short. I have been pondering how to overcome this and think I may have found the solution - some clever person has already invented a contraption. I love it. I admire it every time I open and close the door. I'm sure this will wear off in time, possibly even later tonight.

I went for a drive round the park, but it was shut because of some race. I went to Duddingston Loch, and was greeted with a great sight - loads of folk feeding the birds. One man had a big bag with four (brown) loaves. What a feeding frenzy! There was a young Italian couple having great fun. He had bright yellow trousers on and she looked like a model, and she kept teasing the swans with the bread. Brave. Or silly. Either way, she’s my blip today.

PS I will look out a photo of Andy Capp/Paw Broon/Willie Woods. I know I have one somewhere.

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