Sleepy Bear

Mr W and I both worked today so I dropped Fluffy Legs off to Daughter Number 2 in Croydon which was close to my pick up. I spent an hour with Sophie watching her cats popping Bella on the head! I'm no glad we introduced her cats to Bella when she was so young as they definitely remember each other as friends and almost look like they are pleased to see each other!!!

After work and before collecting Bella, I thought I would pop to B&Q in Croydon to pick up a garden rake for Sophie as she had asked to borrow mine after I had left for hers. I ordered it by click and collect to save time - or so I thought - then promptly got stuck in the car park queue to get out - FOR AN HOUR!!!!! AN HOUR! 

Oh how the road rage set in. I was kind and let one person out per lane but if anyone else tried to squeeze out I put my hand up and shouted NO and inched my truck forward so close to the car in front I have no idea how I didn't hit anyone. Oh the stress. I was only 1.7 miles away from Sophie so would have been quicker to walk to collect Bella but it was wet, windy, late, the car park had a time restriction and I was tired. So I let my blood boil while I sat in the queue instead.

By the time I finally got out, Sophie decided to help me out by meeting me at Sainsburys with Bella before she went to the gym and I made my way home.

Bella then slept all evening, obviously tired from her play date with Sophies cats and it was a struggle to wake her up to put her to bed - as crazy as that sounds!!!!

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