
By Snowyjones

A good find

A day mainly spent trying and failing to sort out sims and data nonsense, it will never cease to amaze me how being on a screen makes time just disappear into the ether, especially, I suspect, when you don’t have a clue what your doing. Eventually ventured to some ridiculously swanky shopping centre to visit the Apple shop for help but it was going to be a very long wait and I feared for my sanity so mission not accomplished.
Went for tapas with Tony and then we decided to visit the famous back packers street to see if we could find some good live music. Thankfully that mission we did accomplish, came across a funk/reggae band with the odd bit of country thrown in, very talented bunch.
Been reflecting on quite how much I rely on good books and good music, particularly while I have been travelling. Where would we be without authors and composers/musicians? I feel so thankful for every book I have enjoyed and for every piece of music that has moved me. On that note if anyone has any good book recommendations please do pass on as I am getting through my stocked up kindle library at an alarming rate.

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