
By JockMcGrumpy

Union Jack

My daughter returned from Scout Camp in July with this smiley, cuddly cushion. If there is one flag I find neither smiley nor cuddly it is the Union Jack. I'm no fan of the royals so all the flag waving jubilee was a real turn off for me and while enjoying the performance of athletes of all nations in the Olympics last Summer, the whole team GB stuff was a bit too contrived for me. Whenever I come into contact with the Union Jack it is usually being waved in contexts I find pretty offensive - British National Party and English Defense League poison, football hooliganism in England, the sectarianism that blights football in Scotland, Orange Marches and the carry on just now in Belfast. It also has too many connotations of Empire and all that, so no, this is not my favourite flag. Nice smile tho!

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