The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

Tough Choices

Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,

Having won the regionals recently, The YMP’s maths team went through to Glasgow today and won the national final competition which is AMAZING! She was a very happy little lady and quite rightly buzzing.

That must be the kind of things you can achieve if you go to maths club at lunchtime. My lunchtime maths was more practical - working how to get the best value out of a 10p mix in the tuck shop across the road. Foam bananas, shrimps, sweet teeth and cola bottles were gone in seconds but were cheap. Jawbreakers lasted for ages but were more expensive, gave you jaw ache and I always ended up accidentally swallowing the gum in the middle. It was also impossible to get through one in a lunchtime so we used to go about with half-finished jawbreakers wrapped in paper in our pockets for later consumption!

Then there were cola cubes, pineapple cubes, black jacks, fruit salads, fried eggs, flying saucers & candy cigarettes to consider but NEVER liquorice comfits, white mice, golf balls and those manky chocolate disks with hundreds and thousands on them.

Sometimes it was just too much and it would have to be a Wham bar. I bloomin’ LOVED them.

See what just happened? That’s why I didn’t win competitions!


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