Living In The Valley

By CatbirdCottage

Hoo Hoo. Just as I got home I noticed our sky in the east turned pink and the fog was rolling in. I grabbed the camera and hoped for the best :) It's a nice way to end the work week. About 2 minutes after I went back indoors, I noticed the house was now enveloped in fog. Funny to see so much fog in January, but it's been a really warm January. I didn't even wear a coat home from work. Normally we would be bundled up like crazy against the cold.

Glad to be making the blip effort for 2013. I've been catching up a bit with my friends here and just browsing at random.

Plumbing repair job(washing machine and utility sink) happening here tonight. Not the most exciting way to start the weekend. Hopefully the hubster and I can get things repaired, without a bigger mess.

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