The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

Little Brother Is Watching

Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,

The Doctor was telling me the other day that his girlfriend has been called into the office to deal with an issue in the HR department.

There has been a recent build up of ‘personality conflicts.’ So much so, that when one of the women went to the loo, someone suspiciously checked her phone (bad enough), only to discover that it was recording*!

Who does HR go to if there’s a problem in HR? Bet their Christmas night out is a riot. They’ll be checking the crackers for hidden bugs!

Actually (I’m sure I’ve mentioned this before), people who record nights out shouldn’t be allowed out. Photos are bad enough but the LAST thing I ever want to see is a video of a drunk me talking p1sh or looking more like I was having a fit than throwing shapes. There’s a good reason that alcohol makes your memory fuzzy: It’s called self-preservation!


*later claimed to be ‘accidental’.

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