
By TexMama

Red and Yellow....

....kill a fellow, Red and Black...friend of Jack! got it, now you won't get a snake bite :0)

Errand day today, so many things I could've blipped - if only the camera had not been left behind - booo :0(

At the library I found the 2 missing books I have checked out - they were on the shelf!! thank you library lady for the hours I have spent looking for them under every piece of furniture in my house :0) I wanted to be cross but was so relieved that I couldn't be.

The sun was out today, although it was dry and windy so a headache was pretty much guaranteed at some point - ho hum...it was worth it for some sunshine. It is apparantly going to be cold again tomorrow but spring will be here before we know it.

Happy Weekend everyone - hope yours is a good one :0)

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