
Early in the summer I bought this chilli plant (and the basil you can see next to it).  It was tiny and I was lazy and didn't bother to repot it so wasn't sure if it would produce any fruit.  Well, I am pleased to say it has grown one chilli!  Its a cayenne chilli so should turn red and be quite hot.

Its been a busy few days, so apologies for my lack of blips.  On Thursday I went to yoga - the first time in three weeks - and I felt it!  After the busyness of last week, I took yesterday off work and treated myself to a day at my allotment.  I felt much better for being outside, doing something physical and seeing some good progress on the new plot I have taken on.  

In the evening we were unexpectedly invited out to some fireworks provided by the local sea scouts group in Prinsted - the village by the sea that we both love.  The bonfire and fireworks were on the beach, with the shoreline forming a natural amphitheatre from which we could view them.  There was an excellent turn out and it was made all the more enjoyable by the hot teas and homemade cakes served in the scouts hut before hand.  

Today (Saturday) it is very wet.  We managed a dog walk before the rain came down and its been a good time to get some domestic admin. and cleaning completed.  Its curry for tea tonight but I think we will save the little cayenne for another later in the year.

Hoping this finds you all well.   My best wishes to you all.

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