
By LifeLines

Brightness and Smiles

A wet murky day, much like yesterday but with heavier rain.  As I walked past the village hall I noticed these knitted poppies in the window, part of a Remembrance Sunday display.  I liked the effect of the trees reflecting in the window, making an almost monochrome backdrop to the brightly coloured poppies. 

Its been a few days since I blipped.  Merlin continues to be generally bright but rarely with the same enthusiasm for life that he used to have - hopefully that will improve.  Its taking quite a bit of time to prepare food he will eat, particularly as he is having three meals a day at the moment. 

I spent a significant amount of time at the allotment over the weekend - weeding and cutting the grass and edges.  Its all grown incredibly these past few months with all the rain and mild temperatures.  Its looking much more tidy so that pleases me and it feels so good to have spent time outside being active. 

We had a lovely video catch-up with my sister and family on Sunday evening and Oliver gave us some renditions on his trombone.  It is nearly as big as he is and he is doing incredibly well to get some well formed notes and play some tunes - even whilst marching around the room!  Something to keep me smiling through work.  Sadly all my niece's dancing classes have had to stop during lock down and her strict Covid classroom layout means she is unable to speak to her friends during school time, but she continues to smile and be positive about things. 

I hope your day has had some brighten and smiles in it too.  Take care and all the best.

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