Smokey on a Sunday

As you may know from a past blip, I'm a big fan of Smokey the Bear. So, recently when I found two different t-shirts with his likeness on them...I just had to buy them.

Smokey has been "working" for the United States Forest Service since 1944...making him 75 years old. (He looks amazingly young for 75.)

The Smokey I made in the middle stands 21.5 inches high. I made it for my buddy Mike, but when he passed away...I reclaimed it.

Back in my day, Smokey exclaimed..."REMEMBER...ONLY YOU CAN PREVENT FOREST FIRES!" Nowadays, it's worded just a little different. Smokey now says..."ONLY YOU CAN PREVENT WILDFIRES!"

I have one other Smokey who is about 6 inches high...but he couldn't be found.

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