Arizona Dreamin’

By laurie54

Poor Baby

In the spring of 2007 I planted a Texas Ranger bush without knowing what I was doing. The story of the actual planting is a story for another day. I let it grow naturally, wild until it was enormous, taking up the entire corner of my backyard. I didn’t realize until last spring that it should have been cut back periodically to enhance its growth. By then there were large areas of dead branches.

I had the landscaper cut out the bad parts hoping it would bounce back through the summer. It didn’t so we had to do something drastic. It’s going to be pretty ugly for a while but I’m praying it comes back better than ever. The birds took cover in it, especially when it was hot. I’m not enjoying watching some of the things I planted that first spring kick the bucket every now and then. Most of them were succulents which died from exposure in the winter. The worst was losing my Argentine toothpick cactus which I used for my 365th and 730th blips. So glad to have those blips to look back on.

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