eye-watering stuff

my eyes are tired enough anyway after a read-a-thon to get to the point of someone finally murdering Steerpike, there was no way I could do anything else before I was sure of that. (I assume that I don't need to do a spoiler alert for a book that was published in 1950?)
And then I shredded onions to make bhajis and my tired eyes nearly fell out. The children have rejected bhajis previously as "too spicy" but tonight they were accepted as I called them "like falafel but with lots of onions" and I was told I should make them more often. Further proof that my kids are bonkers. Food is altogether a bit of an adventure today as I managed to take meat-on-the-bone out of the freezer and am going to have to remove all evidence of bone before it reaches the table. I'm sure that calling it "like lamb curry but with bones in" won't fool them, however bonkers they are.
In other news of things with bones - this morning I took the rest of the chickens on a short drive to the butcher....we'll be having "like lamb curry but with chicken in" one day next week.
A small taste of the world I am hiding in at the moment - get hooked if you are not already

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