The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

Could It Be Magic

Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,

When I put away the shopping today, I found three empty boxes or containers in the cupboards. THREE!

I don’t care if things are finished but WHAT’S THE POINT OF PUTTING AN EMPTY BOX BACK? This isn’t tw@tting Hogwarts. I don’t have a replenishing spell up my sleeve.

If I did, there would be no need to go shopping (most hated job ever) or having to put it away (second most hated job). Imagine the joy..

Abra cadabra
Fill up all
The empty sh1t

Actually, I might just write a wizardy type novel about household chores being done by magic. It’s bound to be a winner. JK Rowling eat your heart out!


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