The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

Beyond Help

Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,

The Youngest Mini Princess’s phone is officially dead. It will only be communicating with the help of a ouija board. Sitting it in a bag of rice unsurprisingly proved to be utterly pointless. I would say it was a complete waste of rice but Murphy managed to get a hold of the bag and eat half of it. The other half was scattered all over the kitchen floor making it look like we had hosted a meeting of confetti over-throwers anonymous.

Fortunately, the phone is covered by insurance. The dude dealing with it was quite amused when I explained that the phone has decided to take a swim in the toilet but turned out not to be very buoyant. We then had a grumble about how small the IMEI number is on the back of the phones. By the end of the call, I knew what the weather was in Newcastle (overcast) and we had shared our plans for the rest of the day.

I have to be fair and say that after a very very short lived grump when she took herself off to her room, The Youngest Mini was impressively calm. She even said ‘It’s just a phone’.

It is however, very disappointing to find yourself in the position where your child can (and did) respond to any reprimand with ‘you threw my phone in the toilet and peed on it’.

If she keeps that up, her iPad is getting it next.


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