FIGGY's Sporadic Blips

By Figgy


....but I can't help it.

MOH and I drove up to Aberdeen this morning to see #1 son and DiL and #1 grandson, and #3 son and partner.

The weather was miserable all the way but the trip was made more enjoyable with chocolate and Les Mis playing on the CD player. MOH and I sang along with all the different parts all the way. Don't understand why MOH gets so annoyed with me!

We can't believe how much Ruaridh has changed in the two weeks since we last saw him. He is much more alert and giving away lots of smiles.

Sorry I've not been around much, my computer has been away for repair since last Tuesday and I won't get it back till Monday. I managed to upload from my tablet yesterday for the first time but it took me almost three hours and I don't have a scoobie how I did it in the end. Hopefully I'll be back to normal soon.

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