
Mercury must be retrograde again. Caroline came to clean the house this morning at 7:30. She hasn't been here for a month because of power shut offs and evacuations, and she got right to work, but she does, by her own admission talk a lot. Ozzie sat on his bed and barked. None of us was able to figure out why, other possibly a need for constant attention. The solar panel installer arrived but the roofers had most of the equipment he needed and they were nowhere to be found.  Ozzie barked at him too. I fled to the bedroom to get dressed.

The roofers never showed up (extra dry rot in the job ahead of us) so we chatted with the solar panel installer. We had decided months ago to get the solar panels as our contribution to mitigating climate change.  I told him how frustrated I was that we would be generating all this solar power but couldn't use it without being tied to PG&E  who turns it off everytime it gets hot and windy. He held out some hope that there might be some sort of solution, but he had to leave to track down the roofers...Ozzie barked through the whole conversation until I finally put him in the bedroom.

When I left for Pilates I turned on my car radio, which is usually tuned to NPR and quickly turned to the classical music station when I encountered impeachment hearings. The classical music station was playing Gershwin, not my idea of classical and not relaxing. I was grateful for the chance to concentrate on  just keeping my balance when I got to Pilates. It was a good class and I was looking forward to going home and eating the rest of the delicious Asian salad left over from dinner last night. I trudged up the driveway, having parked my car at the bottom to leave room for the roofers' trucks. 

They weren't there....
John had eaten the rest of the salad....
I had peanuts and an ice cream bar for lunch and adjourned to my desk to sulk. My computer, which is considered an 'antique' crashed because it had become unplugged.... 
I turned on the radio only to discover that the impeachment hearings were being broadcast live all day....

I hope Mercury is back where it belongs tomorrow...or maybe it's the full moon?
Must go now to hear the story on how state regulators investigate the PG&E power shutoffs....PG&E says they welcome 'any feedback'. I suggest they don't give the planned $11million bonuses to their top executives

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