Capital adventures

By marchmont

Cat on a .....

Molly has found a new resting place, #3 son's beanbag which he took down in preparation for the move. Now in the hall, Molly has commandeered it. Must be a cosy resting place for a cat.

Up very early to get ready and catch the 7.45 train to Glasgow. The outfits have been fitted and will be altered but they will have to be posted back and yet another hit on the credit card as I had to buy the shoes and the expensive matching handbag. I resent that but my shoe search was being very frustrating.

Then to a very good, and I hope productive, meeting with Big Lottery. I came back to do some work, until my laptop decided to shut down to update and that meant I lost Citrix. Bah humbug.

I spent the evening catching up on 'Silent Witness' and realising I missed the August episodes when Harry left. Also quite a bit of contact with sons and KL about tickets and apartments and places to stay. So much to do, so little time to do it - oh for a stretch out on a beanbag.

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