
Today's the day ................................ to go to a film

It has to be said that we're not great film goers, Will and I.

No particular reason for that - usually we intend to go but we never get round to it, and then the film is no longer showing so we can't go. Anyway, we had seen Billy Conolly and Dustin Hoffman on the Graham Norton show before Christmas talking about the new film Quartet that Dustin Hoffman had directed and in which Billy appears. It sounded good - so today, we took ourselves off to the Brewery Arts Cinema to see it.

And oh dear - I wish I could recommend it you, but I'd be being less than honest. In spite of starring some wonderful actors and actresses, the story was practically non-existent at best - or ludicrously far-fetched at worst. That was my opinion anyway.

Have you seen it? I'd be interested to hear what you thought of it .....................

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