It was lunch at the primary school today, it was a school initiative I think for parents to 'experience' school lunches. Except, my admin kind of messed up and having thought I'd ordered lunches for this half term, seems I missed a week - this week - so we are on packed lunches.
Lunch-time chat was somewhat dominated by one mother, who was very vocal about, well, anything and everything. She admitted to asking all the parents she knew (reminding us that she knows most), about who has the parts of Mary and Joseph in the nativity. She then said that Rose, here daughter, sitting next to her, was not capable of playing Mary and how glad she is that Rose, bless her, will be a sheep. I now know quite a lot about this lady (aside from her name). I couldn't be bothered to raise the subject of how late the nativity is, or that I've said my boy won't be at the 'second showing' - but I did gather that his role as a shepherd is a rather coveted one as well.
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