Last Christmas

Went to see Last Christmas at the lovely Dominion.

It’s fair to say that there seems to be a significant marketing push behind this. Professional reviews have been mixed, with some quite spectacularly unkind. I’m not sure why; at worst it is a harmless Love Actually style romantic comedy. It doesn’t seek to offend, its heart seems to be in the right place, and yet one review in particular went all out for supposed political missteps (appearing to care about homelessness, but does it really !!!!!) which just seemed a bit “look at me I’m so woke, kicking this harmless romantic comedy which is clearly a tool of state oppression “ kind of idiocy.

It’s harmless and sometimes fun. Emilia Clark throws her heart and soul into it and is pretty good; Emma Thomson wrote it and is easily funny in every scene she allows herself. You will probably see the twist coming, but so what.

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